What To Look For When Purchasing Water Meter Pits

by | Sep 25, 2018 | Plumbing and plumbers

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Water meter pits are not new inventions. They have been around for centuries. However, in America, their popularity grew as the 19th century waned. They became the preferred product for both utility departments and their meter readers. The reason was simple. It allowed faster, easier and safer reading, repairs and replacement because, generally, their location was outside of the residence or other structure.

What Is a Water Meter Pit?

The water meter pit consists of two main components:

  1. A vault, chamber or pit
  2. Lid or top hatch

Usually cylindrical in shape, it is a housing or case for a water meter in its box or other containers. In addition, it has a mounting to support the meter box and the necessary piping (flanged and bypass), as well as a service and check valve.

Construction material for water meter pits varies with concrete, polymer, metal and/or plastics among the favorites. However, the location is the same – under the surface of the ground lying somewhere between the water main and the industry, business or residence it services.

What to Look for in a Water Meter Pit

When selecting a water meter pit for commercial or industrial use consider the following characteristics to be essential:

  • High quality
  • Durability
  • Ease of installation and maintenance
  • Capability of functioning no matter what the weather
  • Ability to work no matter what the soils are
  • Cost-effective

Furthermore, it is important to work with the manufacturing or production company to find the right water meter pit for the application.

Water Meter Pits

Since the late 19th century, water utility departments in the United States have favored the installation of water meter pits as a means of making their job easier and safer. These simple constructions facilitate everything from meter reading to repairs to replacements. Indeed, they will continue to remain popular, particularly in combination with such helpful, communicative devices as underground tracer wire.

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