There are times when a physician will order an MRI as a way of finding the right treatment for a patient. Short for magnetic resonance imaging, this approach makes use of radio waves and a defined magnetic field to create images of internal organs and detect the presence of growths within the tissue. What many patients do not realize is that there is more than one type of MRI. Here are some of the reasons why physicians may order an MRI High Field in Riverhead NY.
Concentrated Field Strength
With the MRI High Field in Riverhead NY the level of field strength makes it possible to create images that are high in quality in a shorter period of time. This is important, since obtaining the images hastens the ability to make a diagnosis. The quicker turnaround means settling on a course of treatment without any delay, something that could be the difference between life and death for the patient.
More Comfort for the Patient
Attempting to remain still during a scan is difficult for many people, even under the best of circumstances. When a high field MRI is the method chosen, the patient will spend less time having to remain still. This is especially helpful for people who have anxiety disorders or some neurological condition that makes complete stillness difficult to achieve. Knowing that it will only be necessary to remain still for a short amount of time makes the patient more comfortable and increases the potential for a successful scan the first time.
More Precise Results
The closed approach to the MRI can result in enhanced images that capture more detail. Physicians can put that additional information to good use since it makes it all the easier to see what is happening with the patient.
When the family physician wants the patient to undergo an MRI, contact the team at North Fork Radiology immediately. It will not take long to schedule an appointment and help the patient to prepare for the scan. While the patient may be nervous at first, the staff will explain how things are done and do everything possible to keep the session short.