The Indispensable Qualities of a Good Attorney for Child Custody in Wichita, KS

by | Mar 11, 2014 | Attorneys

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In a perfect world, all children would be well taken care of by two loving parents who agree on everything. Unfortunately, we know that this isn’t always the case. People end up in court fighting child custody battles for many reasons, including a bitter divorce or the questionable lifestyle of one or both parents. When it comes to cases like these, it’s a good idea to have a compassionate attorney on your side. If you’re involved in a custody case, here are several traits that you should be looking for when considering hiring a lawyer.


Child Custody in Wichita, KS is almost never a straightforward process. The judge truly cares about doing what’s right for the children and will be closely examining your lifestyle. From health issues, to the condition of your home, to your social life, you may suddenly find that the way you live your life is an issue. Be sure to choose a lawyer who has the know-how to help you overcome any problems and keep your case moving forward.


You’ll want to make sure that your chosen attorney is capable of looking at your case from a neutral perspective and in an objective light. Because the decisions that are made will have an effect on whether the child experiences a good life, your attorney should have only the child’s best interest at heart when deciding how to move forward with your case. Furthermore, because child custody cases are often highly emotional, he or she needs to be able to help you push your negative emotions aside and do what is fair for all who are involved in the situation.

Project Management Skills

Custody cases can be very complex. Some come as a result of the poor choices of a parent, while some cases arise during divorce proceedings. Consequently, your lawyer will most likely have to help you deal with several issues at once and understand how all of these issues can affect the outcome of your child custody case. Make sure that your attorney can help you properly handle everything before hiring them.

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