Many people buy rural land because they enjoy the peace and quiet as well as the greater sense of being close to nature. Typically, they have a septic system on the property because they are too far from a village or city to connect to the municipal wastewater system. Septic System Repair in Olympia WA may become necessary if they do not manage the equipment properly.
No Driving or Parking
These new property owners may envision various ways they want to use a big residential lot, but they must be careful to take their septic system into account. For example, they may want to store a large number of vehicles on the lot, which would not be allowed in the city limits. However, they should not park these vehicles or drive them on the ground above the tank or the drain field.
No Tree Roots
The people who bought the land may imagine planting lots of trees there if the lot is relatively sparse. Planting close to the septic equipment should be avoided because, eventually, the long, deep roots can cause disruption and create a need for Septic System Repair in Olympia WA. Root tendrils grow into pipe joints that become loose over the years due to normal ground shifts. Root invasion of the drain field also can reduce its effectiveness for filtering the waste liquid. It’s okay to plant a garden near the drain field but not on top of it.
Avoiding Routine Saturation
In addition, the property owners should make sure their roof drainage system and lawn irrigation equipment do not routinely saturate the leach field. Again, that can interfere with the required filtration of the wastewater that is sent to the field from the tank. That filtration clears the water of impurities so it does not cause pollution.
Pumping and Inspection
The tank should be pumped and inspected by a company like Advanced Septic & Construction Services according to township or county regulations. If no regulations address this, a general rule of thumb is to have the tank pumped every two to four years. The time frame depends on the size of the tank and the amount of use the system must deal with.