Protect the Health of Your Teeth Through Cleaning in Ann Arbor MI

by | Apr 10, 2015 | Dentist

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Having healthy teeth and gums is crucial for keeping a beautiful smile. Oral health concerns can be prevented through regular dental appointments. In these appointments, the dentist performs Teeth Cleaning in Ann Arbor MI. These cleaning procedures remove the substances that are known for causing decay. This protects the health of the teeth and gums so overall oral health stays at its best.

When a patient goes in for Teeth Cleaning in Ann Arbor MI, cleaning procedures are carried out using different tools. The teeth are thoroughly brushed to remove traces of plaque. This sticky substance attaches to the teeth and can cause decay. It is an important plaque is removed often so the health of the teeth is fully protected.

Special tools are then used to scrape away tartar. Tartar is a hardened form of plaque. It is difficult to remove with brushing alone, so the dental hygienist needs to use tools that allow the tartar to be scraped away from the tooth surface.

As the cleaning process continues, flossing will be carried out. Flossing helps to prevent cavities from occurring between the teeth. This is a vulnerable area of the teeth, since brushing cannot help these areas. Flossing should be carried out daily to keep cavities away.

The dental hygienist will make sure all of the teeth are perfectly clean. This also allows the hygienist to check for any signs of oral health concerns the dentist needs to be made aware of. It also provides an initial screening for oral cancer. You should contact Washtenaw General Dentistry for further details.

Before the appointment is over, the teeth are coated with a special fluoride treatment. This thick gel sits on the teeth for thirty minutes, allowing the mineral to penetrate deep into the teeth. Fluoride is crucial for strengthening the enamel of the teeth. Since the enamel is the protective layer, this can go a long way towards keeping the teeth healthy and strong.

To learn more about the importance of good oral health, Click here and visit Website Domain. Through Washtenaw General Dentistry, the health of your smile will be protected with preventative care appointments carried out twice a year.

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