Improve Your Smile Through the Implant Dentist in Milwaukee, WI

by | Feb 4, 2014 | Dentist

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For people who are missing teeth, life is not always as it should be. Many people who have missing teeth in the front of their smile feel self-conscious about their appearance. This can often cause problems with the way they function in life. If you have missing teeth, you can get help to permanently replace your missing teeth. Many are learning about the exciting treatments options available to replace missing teeth and are seeking services from the Implant Dentist in Milwaukee, WI. This information can help you in making the decision on whether or not implants are for you.

How Does the Implant Dentist in Milwaukee, WI Restore Your Smile?

The restoration of your smile begins with you being given anesthesia. The dentist will want to give you the best type for the amount of implants you are having put into place. Normally, the dentist will use general anesthesia for a patient having multiple implants. You will need to make sure you discuss any issues you may have with anesthesia. If you have had bad reactions in the past or have certain health conditions, your dentist will need to know this.

The dental implant procedure is one of the more serious procedures, because it is so invasive. This does not mean it is not safe, but you do need to realize it is a major surgical procedure. The dentist will make an incision for each of the implants you have put into place. Each of the metal anchors will be drilled into your jawbone and will become a part of the bone. These provide the strong support structure to effectively hold your artificial teeth in place, so they can chew your food and perform as normal teeth.

The healing process for this procedure can take a few weeks and it is important you follow your dentist’s instructions for your care. With proper care and routine maintenance performed on your new teeth, you may be able to keep them looking great for life.

To learn more about these dental implants, contact Frank R. Galka D.D.S. He will be glad to help you achieve the smile you have always longed for.

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