How to Select the Right Rigging in Texas

by | Oct 17, 2014 | Moving and Relocating

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Are you in the market for new rigging to use for a heavy lifting job? Are you going to be employing the use of a crane, but do not know what to look for when it comes to purchasing the right rigging for the job? Not to worry. When transporting heavy goods, employing the use of the right rigging will not only make your job easier, but could also save a life by ensuring that your goods are properly secured. For example, you don’t want to have a job that requires the ability to hold 10,000 lbs, and your rigging will only hold 5,000 lbs. This article will help you to pick out the right Rigging in Texas for the jobs you need to perform.

First and foremost, prior to committing to the purchase of the rigging, it is important that the equipment is tested. As mentioned earlier, this is important to ensure that it can withstand the amount of weight required to be lifted to do the job. Also, as a general rule of thumb, the rigging cable and gripper should be about 5 times stronger than the maximum weight limit that the rigging can withstand.

Subsequently, while testing the rigging, it is of the utmost importance that you inspect it for any possible problems. The whole project could be lost if the rigging is not in good shape. When inspecting the rigging, you will want to look for any major fraying of the cable and want to ensure that the locking mechanisms (if any) on the cable grabber are completely intact and not damaged. Due to the fact that mistakes can be made and potentially serious issues can be unintentionally overlooked, it may be a good idea to have someone inspect it right along with you prior to using the rigging equipment.

Finally, as you can see, there are a few things to look for when purchasing the right Rigging in Texas. Testing and inspecting the equipment correctly are the most important things you can do to ensure that you have a safe transport. If there are any potential issues that are missed, that could spell big trouble for the job itself and could even cause a fatality on the road. If you have further questions about purchasing rigging for your company’s project, contact your local transport and logistics company for further assistance.

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