A handbag is a woman’s accessory that can literally make or break the outfit she is wearing. Wholesale handbags in New York can show your inner you when you’re out with friends and the serious you when you need to impress. Pick the wrong handbag and your image can be shattered.
Picking a handbag should be just as important as picking a great pair of slacks; the bag should fit your body type. Don’t go wrong and select a bag that is the same shape as your body, go just the opposite. If your tall and then, you will look great carrying a big bag, when you’re browsing the shelves, take the bag and stand in front of the mirror, you will be able to tell immediately if it’s the bag for you. A good rule of thumb to follow is; the fuller your figure the more structured should be the handbag.
Keep it in scale:
There is no guarantee that the right handbag will make it appear you have lost weight, but the right choice in handbags can most certainly flatter your shape. The shape should be the opposite to yours but the bag also must be in the correct proportions to your figure.
You have to think in terms of scale, a very tall woman who wears a size 14 should not carry a small pill-box size handbag no more than a petite should carry a huge hobo bag. When you are considering a shoulder bag, the point where the bottom of the bag intersects with your body is important as this point on your body will be accentuated. The ideal shoulder bag for most woman is one that ends somewhere around the middle of the torso, this draws attention to and flatters the waist. Women with large breasts are warned away from cross body bags as the strap can cause discomfort.
To wrap it up:
- Take plenty of time in the store, try the bags in front of a mirror, the bag is equally as important as your clothes.
- Trends are just that, trends. There is nothing wrong with buying a trendy “In” handbag but don’t be tempted to buy one that simply does not suit your figure. There are plenty of wholesale handbags in New York.
And don’t forget your lifestyle, if you are a busy of a toddler chances are you handbag does double duty as a diaper bag; stay away an art deco vintage bag.