Advantages of Cremation Services in Yakima, WA

by | Jul 16, 2018 | Cremation

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The decision of whether to bury or cremate someone is usually made before someone passes. A person will often tell his or her closest relatives those wishes and cement them in written documentation. Many individuals choose to purchase burial plots or make arrangements for cremation years before their deaths. The advantages of cremation over traditional burial include cost and portability. If someone is seeking more information on Cremation Services in Yakima WA, it is best to check with area funeral homes or memorial services.

Traditional Burial

Although the costs of traditional burial are higher, some prefer it over cremation since funeral services, grave plots, headstones and markers, and caskets are purchased at the same time. The person’s remains have a permanent burial space where relatives and friends can visit when and if they choose. In addition, the deceased’s body is usually intact when buried and the family can decide whether to have an open or closed casket during the funeral.


With cremation, the basic costs are usually cheaper. Funeral services, grave plots, headstones and markers, and caskets do not need to be purchased to carry out the process. Urns can be purchased as part of the services and are significantly less costly than caskets. Yet, expenses can add up if the family wants to bury all or a portion of the cremated remains. If burial is not chosen, the cremated remains can be divided so each loved one can have a portion of them. Cremated remains can also be easily moved as loved ones’ residences change or if they move to a different state.

Cremation Services in Yakima WA can range from basic to full, depending on the wishes of the deceased and needs of the deceased’s loved ones. Basic services are less expensive than a traditional burial since headstones, grave plots, and caskets do not need to be purchased. The deceased’s cremated remains can go into a single urn or be divided into separate urns or keepsakes. Burial options exist for all or a portion of the remains, as some families choose to have a permanent place where they can visit a memorial for the deceased.

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