What You Should Know About Same-Sex Adoption Cases in Chicago, IL

by | Nov 16, 2022 | Family Law Attorney

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Adopting a child gives many people a chance to become parents when they cannot conceive a child. For same-sex couples, adoption is a terrific way for them to become parents and raise a child as a family. Unfortunately, some adoption agencies may attempt to discriminate against these couples, and they’ll need to seek help through a Chicago gay adoption lawyer.

How to Adopt a Child

Adoption starts with the application process, and you must apply through a local adoption agency. These agencies conduct home visits, criminal background checks, and interviews to determine if you qualify for adoption. Once you’ve found a child you want to adopt, you’ll need a Chicago gay adoption lawyer to petition the court. Finally, the court must approve and officiate the adoption.

Terminate the Biological Parent’s Rights

The biological parent must receive a notification when petitioning the court for adoption. If they still have parental rights to the child, the birth parent must agree to terminate their rights and agree to the adoption. Exceptions to these requirements are if the court terminated the parental rights because of child abuse or other violent crimes. If the parent terminated their rights at birth, you don’t have to petition the court to terminate their rights.

Same-sex partners file for adoption through the court after an agency approves them. Under any circumstances that you face discrimination, you need help from an attorney to fight back. Illinois allows same-sex parents to adopt, and any adoption agency that discriminates against you has violated your rights. Contact Metz + Jones to discuss your adoption case.

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