What to Know If You Have Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

by | Jan 30, 2019 | Health

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What is BPH?

BPH stands for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Also known as prostate gland enlargement, the condition is quite common in men as they get older.

What are the symptoms?

Are you having trouble peeing? Or do you find it a bit difficult to start going? Does the stream start and stop a couple of times? Those are possible symptoms of BPH, the WebMD explains. Aside from difficulties in urinating, if you seem to urinate much more often at night, have a weak urine stream or are unable to empty your bladder, then you may have BPH.

What are the causes?

It’s essential to find out the cause of the condition to help you, and your doctor determines the right BPH treatment in Pittsburgh for you. The most common reasons for benign prostatic hyperplasia, though, are often attributed to changes in the balance of a man’s sex hormones as he grows older.

What are the risk factors?

If you are getting on in years, then you are much more likely to get this condition. Also, if you have family members who suffer from BPH, then there’s a good chance that you may get it as well. If you’re obese, have diabetes and heart problems, then you’re at a much higher risk of developing this condition.

When do I seek out treatment?

It’s essential that you get to the doctor as soon as you start experiencing difficulties in urinating. Make an appointment. Your doctor will examine you and recommend the treatment and care plan that’s right for you.

Where do I get treated?

Look for a facility that offers BPH treatment in Pittsburgh. Make sure it’s an important center. Consider the staff and the credentials and qualifications they have. Look at the services that the facility offers. To ensure accurate test results necessary, you’ll want to pick a facility that specializes in urology services.

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