Are you facing a financial loss due to excessive inventory? For whatever reason, your business could be at risk of not only losing money, but also of incurring costs in relation to keeping and storing excess inventory. You need comprehensive disposition services so excess costs can be easily managed and lower the financial impact of dealing with overstock. Material disposition services can include onsite consignment and inclusion, straight purchase, purchase/consulting agreement, or exclusive marketing, they are also known as inventory management programs.
Choose the Inventory Management Program That’s Right for Your Company
Does a straight purchase offer sound like the perfect inventory management program for your business? Your company will undergo a material audit and then receive a LOT bid for the entire inventory. Physical acquisition will also be coordinated for all of the materials, effectively taking them out of your hands and reducing your costs in the process. Perhaps you would prefer exclusive marketing services where you retain the ownership, possession and control of the overstock inventory. You will receive marketing services in leu of a direct purchase for your overstock, that reaches both international and domestic buyers.
Inventory Management Programs Are Cost Effective
An inventory management program is a cost-effective choice for your company when it comes to handling overstock. Since every business is different in regards to overstock, it stands to reason that there are quite a few management programs to handle the different intricacies. Your business could benefit more from a consulting agreement that acts somewhat like a consignment program. You will receive an issue order for your overstock, retain the ownership, and pay a consulting fee in regards to the revenue earned from the sale. The same goes for a consignment and inclusion program with the difference being you also get the benefits of an exclusive marketing program. Your overstock will be warehoused, marketed, and sold for you.