To Google or Not to Google: Search Engine Optimization in Minneapolis

by | Mar 16, 2022 | SEO

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In an age where all the information in the world is available at the simple click of a mouse or the tap of a screen, it is vital for growing businesses to make their online presence as accessible as possible. The way we consume information has changed. While once upon a time it may have been feasible to stroll down the high street to compare products, businesses and competing services, today potential customers look to their phone or screens for answers.

Optimizing Your Search Results

It’s no coincidence that the word “Google” – as in “to Google” – has become a verb officially recognized by the Oxford Dictionary. Millions of Americans use search engines to look for local food, bus timetables and services every day and a business must stand out from the pack in order to be able to compete. A business web page optimized for maximum exposure when plugged into a search engine a practice known as search engine optimization will rank higher on the first page of results when keywords, such as a service, brand or location are entered into the search engine.

Social Media Optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO, works best when integrated with a strong social media presence. Social media – including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram – is an unprecedented means for business owners to connect with their target audience on an intimate, one-to-one basis. At no other point in human history has a business been able to sell themselves to potential customers for every minute of every day from the consumer’s own pocket. A vibrant, aesthetically consistent Facebook or YouTube account provides accessible content to a broad variety of consumers. Also worth noting is that Facebook shares pages “liked” or interacted with by your consumers with their online friends. An optimized social media presence will not only appeal to your existing clients, but assist in the spread of word- of-mouth regarding your business. This can be invaluable to a growing business on the local level – particularly in this economy – and the best search engine optimization services in Minneapolis will involve social media optimization as a result.

The Value of Local Expertise

Search engine optimization in Minneapolis, means tailoring your business’s web presence to suit the demands of Virginian consumers. A variety of SEO services exist in throughout Virginia, but the best services are accredited and awarded. Look out for those that are SWAM certified or have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, a nonprofit organization with the aim of advancing trust in the local marketplace and registering any complaints made against businesses in your area. An A+ rating means the business has left its customers and clients satisfied and without anything to complain about, so an A+ rating awarded by the Better Business Bureau indicates a search engine optimization service well worth employing.

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