Signs That the Time Has Come to Call A Foot Doctor in Birmingham, AL

by | Jul 30, 2020 | Health

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For most types of medical issues, scheduling an appointment with the family physician is the most practical move. There are times when some sort of special medical attention is needed. This is certainly true when there is an ongoing issue with the feet, ankles, or lower legs. Here are some of the reasons to meet with a Foot Doctor in Birmingham, AL and find out what is going on.

Swollen Feet and Ankles

Nothing out of the ordinary has happened lately, but it seems as if the feet and ankles are swollen at the end of the work day. At present, the discomfort is minor, and the swelling does seem to subside by morning. Before the condition has a chance to develop more symptoms, it makes sense to call a Foot Doctor in Birmingham, AL and set up an appointment. Since this type of swelling can be caused by a number of health conditions, finding out what is wrong will be the first step toward treating the underlying cause.

Accidents Involving the Feet and Lower Legs

When the individual sustains some sort of injury to an ankle, foot, or the lower part of the leg, it pays to seek help from a medical professional who can assess the extent of the injury and see what must be done to promote healing. This is especially true when moving the toes is painful, or the ankle is damaged to the point that attempting to stand is impossible. With the right type of treatment, it will be possible to minimize the trauma to the area, alleviate the swelling, and ensure the patient is as comfortable as possible while the healing progresses.


Discoloration of the feet or ankles may not be causing any pain, but it is not something to take lightly. From circulation issues to potential skin conditions, there are all sorts of reasons why this could be happening. A medical professional who specializes in treating foot and ankle conditions will know how to determine what is happening and what sort of treatment will reverse the problem.

For help with any type of foot issue, contact the team at Foot & Ankle Specialists of Birmingham, AL today. After a complete examination, it will be easy to settle on a course of treatment and ensure the feet and ankles remain healthy.

For more information, contact Southlake Orthopaedics at website

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