When you hire a janitorial company for office cleaning service in Chester VA area, you will need to schedule the best time for them to service your facility. Basically the service can be done during normal work hours (restricted hours) when the facility is open or it can be done after normal working hours:
During Normal Operating Hours
The main advantage of having a cleaning company service a facility during normal hours of operation is it may alleviate security concerns. If the facility contains highly sensitive or confidential information which cannot be locked up, or the facility is very high security, daytime hours allows a higher level security for the facility owner. In addition, because the power is running during daytime hours anyway, there is no additional power use in the evening. This can potentially save on utilities. Generally, the lighting is better during daytime hours for which to see what needs to be cleaned.
The disadvantages to daytime cleaning is that it will take longer to clean because the crew will be working around the building occupants and the building occupants are more distracted and inconvenienced. Running a vacuum cleaner can cause distractions if occupants are working or on the phone. Also restrooms may be out of service during the cleaning routine which can cause an inconvenience. The cleaning service will normally charge a higher price for day time cleaning because of the extra time it takes to work around building occupants. Also the lost work time for building occupants due to the distraction can cost the employer in lost time due to lower work efficiency when the cleaning crew is working.
After Normal Work Hours
If there are no major security concerns, the advantages of having the service perform the work after normal work hours usually outweighs the day time schedule. After hours, no one is distracted and the pricing is usually more competitive. If the service can come in at least one day a week, say on a weekend day, during daylight hours, that is usually sufficient to insure all detail work is completed in the best possible lighting conditions.
To help alleviate security concerns, equip the facility with an alarm system and issue the cleaning service a separate alarm code and passcode. Some facility managers also find it advantageous to use security cameras in strategic areas of the facility not only for an evening janitorial crew but also for other building occupants. Generally, most janitorial services are accustomed to handling keys and following security protocol when entering a facility after hours. The after-hours schedule allows the cleaning service more time to complete the work without having to work around building occupants and worrying about bothering them. It also allows the crew to focus on cleaning and getting the job done correctly.
In most of the circumstances, office cleaning service in Phoenix AZ are flexible on when the service can be completed. This important subject of when to schedule the cleaning needs to be discussed prior to starting the service. Then the facility manager’s expectations are met up front and the proper planning can be made by all parties. Good communication is the key.
If you would like more information on office cleaning services in Phoenix, please visit Royal Cleaning Services at https://royalcleaningservicesva.com today.