Reasons a Person May Need Root Canal Treatment in Laurel MT

by | Feb 27, 2019 | Dentist

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When it comes to saving a tooth, Root Canal Treatment in Laurel MT is often the best solution. This procedure is offered by both general dentists and endodontists. There are several different situations when a dentist may recommend a root canal to a patient.

Deep Decay

Decay forms when hungry bacteria eats away the surface of a tooth. As the decay gets worse, a large cavity may form. Under normal circumstances, a simple tooth filling is all that is needed. However, if the decay is extremely deep and causing an infection of the nerve, a root canal is warranted.

During Root Canal Treatment in Laurel MT, the dentist drills deep into the tooth. They then remove all of the inflamed pulp tissue. The pulp is what triggers pain from the nerve. The hollow tooth is then filled with a rubber compound and sealed with a filling. When complete, all traces of decay should be gone.

Fractured Tooth

Biting down on something hard or extreme force to the face may lead to a tooth fracture. Unlike other types of oral damage, fractures don’t always show up on x-rays. They are sometimes diagnosed based on symptoms, including pain when chewing and severe temperature sensitivity.

Fractures cannot be treated with just a filling. Some fractures require no treatment, while others need a root canal to stop the pain. After a root canal, the symptoms of the fracture should go away. The tooth must be covered with a crown to protect it from crumbling down the road.

Multiple Cavities

Some teeth get several cavities. The dentist may try to treat the tooth with multiple fillings. Unfortunately, a single tooth is sometimes unable to support several large fillings without putting the nerve at risk. In these instances, a root canal may be necessary to protect the structural integrity of the tooth.

If a dentist feels too much of the tooth material needs to be removed in order to treat several cavities, they are more likely to recommend root canal therapy. Once a root canal is performed, the tooth is no longer viable but still functions like a live tooth.

Root canals are often the only way to save teeth that would otherwise be extracted. Only a dentist can tell if a tooth is likely to respond well to root canal therapy. Visit our website to learn more about protecting the health of your teeth.

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