Protect Your HVAC Investment WIth a Cooling Service Contract in Southampton, NY

by | Aug 28, 2013 | Heating and Air conditioning

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Maintaining a comfortable home is more than a matter of setting a switch or turning a thermostat. It takes properly working equipment which heat and cool the home as required and when needed. It also takes a little bit of work. For example, keeping the air conditioner clean so the air flows properly and maintaining the mechanics of the system so it doesn’t continually break down. The homeowner might be able to handle part of the cleaning, but the rest takes a service technician and the best way to handle this is a Cooling Service Contract in Southampton, NY.

However, not all companies are the same and they don’t all offer the same type of Cooling Service Contract in Southampton, NY. For some it is a simple cleaning of the system or testing the electronics to ensure the system works. but the best companies will remove the coolant so they can pull the inner coil out for cleaning. This coil is located in the air exchange where the air flows across it into the ventilation. This airflow brings dust which accumulates on the coil and slowly blocks it off. Most of this coil is inaccessible or difficult to reach and the best way to clean it is to remove it and use proper chemicals.

While you are deciding on your service contractor you may have a few questions to ask them. Specifically, find out exactly what they do for their customers. Any company worth hiring will gladly discuss the details of their plan with you. However, if they seem a little sketchy and dodge your questions you may want to skip to the next company. This may not mean they are a bad company. They could just be having a bad day, but this information is something they should be able to present quickly.

A few other simple questions come to mind as well. For example, are they members of the local Better Business Bureau? What are their qualifications for working on your heating and air conditioning system? One other important consideration for your air conditioning contractor, do they offer any type of guarantee?

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