Preventing A Genocide Is An Individual And International Role In The World

by | Dec 1, 2022 | Education

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After World war II the international community came together to protect human life. The Genova Convention in 1949 was to help formulate punishment for crimes committed against humans and find ways of preventing them. The convention states that genocide is a crime, whether done in acts of war or peace and is punishable in both cases. The role of stopping and preventing genocide is within the geo locality or state where it is happening.

The world ought to protect the welfare of human beings for them to live in happiness and prosperity. People should advocate for positive ideas that help improve the state of the community. Technology and innovation have improved the capacity of human intelligence. It has enabled them to be open-minded and forward-thinking. Countries that do not adopt technology in the world have backward behaviors that reduce the utility of every individual in their economy.

Genocide Prevention

Genocide prevention as much as it is an international responsibility, it is also an individual responsibility. Changing human behaviors and social norms toward protecting human rights and freedoms can help prevent genocide. Disagreement in ideas or cultural beliefs should not mean enmity but a space to create more understanding. Human beings should be rational and always support wellness and positivity for prosperity.

Genocide is a crime with five main components. They include killing community members, causing bodily or mental harm to community members, imposing acts to prevent the birth of community members, forcibly transferring children to the other group, and inflicting acts to destroy the human body.

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