If you have been in an auto accident, you should know that there are steps for you to follow on the back of your insurance card as a result of the crash. While you may be dazed or even emotional about the accident, these steps are important and should be followed accordingly for your protection. However, on that list, chances are there are no instructions on calling an attorney anywhere to be found. This is because insurance companies try to prevent attorneys as a way to pay out lower compensation claims to accident victims. While all instances may not require you to have a lawyer on hand, it is always best to understand when an attorney is needed so that you can contact them right away.
Minor Accidents
If you have been in something such as a fender bender, it may not be required that you hire an attorney to come to a scene, but sometimes this can be false. Even though you may not have any intentions on a large settlement, simply getting the insurance companies to cover the dented bumper damage can be a chore. If you feel that you can get through this process without an attorney, you can, but should proceed with caution. However, if you already have an attorney that you have a great relationship with, it would not hurt to give them a call just to find out what their advice is. Even if they don’t work your case, some lawyers will give you advice on how you should proceed to get the most compensation possible.
Before Signing Agreements
After you have been in an auto accident, you will likely receive a call from the other driver’s insurance company. They are going to try to obtain information about the accident from you and may even present you with an agreement that you should sign right away. Before talking with the other party’s insurance company or signing any documents you need to first consult with your auto accident attorney in Detroit MI. While the insurance company may make it appear as though they have your best interest at heart, in all actuality they are only protecting themselves. This means that they will do anything in their power to try and reduce the amount of money that they are wiling to pay out to you. You have to understand that insurance companies do not make profits off on accidents in which their drivers are at fault and therefore they will fight tooth and nail to settle for less.
Contact an auto accident attorney in Detroit MI immediately
There is no need to go through referral systems in order to find a reputable attorney in your area. You can easily find a lawyer by asking around some friends and family members, checking the internet for websites and reviews, and even checking around your local area to see if there are law firms that you can visit. However, you must make sure that you are working with a lawyer that has the experience, education, and skill to take on your case to help you get what you deserve.