If You Have Been Injured, Talk to a Personal Injury Attorney in Waukegan

by | Aug 21, 2021 | Law

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She was having a wonderful time with her grandson on this visit. They didn’t get to spend nearly enough time together. They were just leaving the mall and heading down the stairs into the parking lot when the railing shifted and threw her off-balance. There was just enough slushy snow on the stairs so that she slipped, landing on her back and hip. The pain was incredible.

This was the first time she had ever been injured this badly. She had always been healthy; she could have retired, but owned a small boutique and loved chatting with her customers. Now she lay in her bed in despair. There wasn’t anyone who could run her business for her; she had no idea when she would even be going home. She will need surgery, possibly more than one. She might be able to stay with her daughter and son-in-law for a short while, but she didn’t want to become a burden.

Her daughter knew an attorney who had helped out a friend and suggested that her mother talk to him. She felt reassured after they talked; he really seemed to understand her problems and explained her options under the law. There would be a lot of changes in her life, but she would be able to continue.

Shea Law Group focuses their experience and skills on ensuring that those who have been injured receive the compensation they need and are entitled to. Any who needs a personal injury attorney in Waukegan should consider scheduling a free consultation with one of these skilled attorneys.

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