Applying for college can be a one in a lifetime event. It is also very nerve wracking for a high school student already bogged down with classes, homework and extracurricular activities. College admissions officials will judge you not just on the grades you receive in your chosen classes, but how you test on those subjects during standardized college entrance exams. It is not uncommon for even the finest students who usually get A and B grades to feel more confident with individual math tutoring before exam time. For that student who does not have scores above the grade level in mathematics and science, the ability to use math tutoring becomes a requirement for raising their grade point average to acceptable levels.
This is where the AJ Tutoring company excels at working with students who need that extra attention and push to make their way through tough academic subjects. They have a wide range of subjects and test preparation courses they teach; all of which are proudly listed on their website at Their tutors can meet with students in a variety of locales to further learning in the most comfortable environment for that student. This may be at their own home or at their school during a daily recess. Students can also enjoy their tutoring sessions at one of their conveniently located offices in Northern California. Hours can be scheduled from morning to late evening, including weekends.
Tutors are especially skilled in training students in subjects that will appear in Advanced Placement and Scholastic Aptitude Tests. Areas of study like mathematics and English that will be scored on SAT and ACT exams are a specialty. Sessions can be spent exploring where each student believes their weakest academic link to be. This can involve anything from geometry, algebra equations or long form essay writing. This tutoring company utilizes their own prepared materials that are designed to reflect the various tests as they will be presented to students. Tutors work with students to not just grown in skills, but in a zone of confidence needed to tackle concepts and strategies they may not otherwise be familiar with.