Getting a Replacement Fob for a Lost or Broken Mercedes Smart Key

by | Jun 23, 2021 | Auto

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Not all car manufacturers use computer-reliant key systems. Many modern cars, including Mercedes models, however, do use smart key systems that allow owners to remotely lock or unlock to doors or start the car before getting in. A common problem for Mercedes owners, though, is lost keys and finding a replacement.

Replacements for Lost Key Fobs

When Mercedes-Benz owners lose a key fob, replacement keys are not easy to come by without making a trip to the dealership. Mercedes key programming is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get a replacement fob in the case of a broken or lost key or the need for a backup replacement key.

Replacement Key Programming Systems

While a used key or a new key without synchronization can be programmed as a replacement for a Mercedes-Benz smart key, it’s not an easy thing to do. The process can involve such tasks as removing the fob’s main chip and erasing the memory and other specific items.

Mercedes key programming by a specialist in vehicle diagnostics and security is made possible by key programming software. These systems can work according to specific vehicle manufacturers and create replacement or replica smart keys for various car types.

ABRITES USA is the official distributor of the parent company’s vehicle diagnostic interfaces, including the PC-software and hardware-based AVDI system. To find out more about replacement smart keys for Mercedes-Benz vehicles, contact these specialists.

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