Your web page is the face of your business that most of the world sees. It needs to draw people in, let them know what your business is about, and keep them clicking. Yet, many web pages are simply unattractive and clunky. If you want to avoid turning people off your business with a poorly planned web page, don’t make these common web design errors.
Looks Matter
Somehow, there is an entire group of people who don’t think that the look of their web pages matter. Are they serious? The look of a website is a huge part of what a web page is all about! Having a crazy color scheme, or lack of one, comes across as unprofessional. Fonts that are difficult to read don’t often warrant the time it would take most readers to decipher them. Similarly, a variety of fonts or random font sizes, italics, or bold print only pushes potential customers away.
Don’t Get Complicated
The most important content needs to be obvious on the page. Don’t let too many ads obscure your mission statement or customer service goals. If you want to write the history of your company dating back fifty years in detail, put it on the “about” page, not the homepage. Most browsers want to find the pertinent details of your company first and might be willing to delve into more detail later. So, make it easy for them to do just that.
It’s also important to make navigation around your page as easy as possible. Clearly label your pages and use simple, clear links to get there. Imagine showing your web page to someone who is not computer savvy. How many clicks do you want that person to have to get through to find critical details? Don’t make your readers search for the information they need.
Proofreading Matters
Do you remember your high school English teacher returning your paper to you covered in editing marks? You need to find the equivalent of that teacher to make sure every detail is right before you publish your web page. You might not be big on spelling or know lots of grammar rules, but other people do, and if those people are using your web page you want them to be focused on what you have to offer, not your misuse of pronouns.
Don’t Go it Alone
You don’t have to design your own web page. There are web design services in Jacksonville FL that can take the weight of making you look good online off your shoulders. A strong web presence will take your business far, so don’t be afraid to invest in it.
Do you need web design in Jacksonville FL? Visit Integrated Webworks.