According to the World Health Organization there are over 347 million people in the world today who suffer from diabetes and approximately 90% of those individuals have Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by sufficient insulin production but a corresponding inability of the body to effectively use the insulin. Type 1 diabetes, on the other hand, occurs when the body is not able to produce enough insulin. Finding a natural cure for diabetes or management option that will allow Type 2 diabetics to minimize their need for medications and at some point to completely stay away from them, will be a revolution in medical history and an important step for many researchers, doctors and patients.
While individuals with Type 1 diabetes are usually diagnosed at an early age, Type 2 diabetes is more common in adults. The symptoms are often slow to develop and may not be recognized for years, which may itself create complications and significant damage at a cellular level to many systems in the body. This can include vision problems, neurological damage, heart disease and damage to the tissue of the brain.
The challenges
For those with Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, the biggest challenge is in managing their blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels while also increasing the ability of the body to use the available insulin. While careful diet, exercise and lifestyle changes can be beneficial, finding a natural cure for diabetes that enhances the cells use of insulin or increases insulin receptor sensitivity is an essential management component.
The unique botanical formulation for a natural cure for diabetes
A unique formulation has the active compounds of three clinically studied, powerful botanicals – turmeric, amla and Pterocarpus has been viewed as a natural cure for diabetes . Curcumin helps improve hyperglycemia and whole body insulin resistance, and also protects against other problems associated with diabetes. Curcumin also helps restore the cells to optimum functioning, allowing uptake of insulin through the cell receptors.
The antioxidant properties of amla inhibit oxidative stress and prevent the formation of free radicals which leads to diabetic complication in various body organs.
Pterocarpus marsupium, the Indian Kino tree, is among the most commonly studied botanicals in relation to diabetes.
In fact, the hardwood extract of the tree regenerates beta cells that produce insulin in the pancreas.
These three botanicals work powerfully and synergistically to balance blood sugar levels in the body, without any negative side effects.
This formulation of diabetes natural cure will work wonders if it is used as an adjunct therapy to current allopathic medication along with incorporating lifestyle changes and healthy living routines. In addition, it is essential to talk to a physician to ensure that the blood sugar levels are managed and maintained throughout the treatment.
We offer a highly effective natural cure for diabetes that helps to restore normal cellular function to insulin.