Best Treatment Options for Macular Degeneration in Palm Beach Gardens

by | Nov 3, 2022 | Eye Care

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Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is a common but serious eye condition that affects people over the age of 50. It occurs when the macula, the central part of the retina, deteriorates.

There are two types of macular degeneration: dry and wet. Dry macular degeneration is the most common type and is caused by the thinning of the tissue in the macula, which is the part of the eye responsible for central vision. Wet macular degeneration occurs when blood vessels grow under the retina and leak fluid or blood. This can cause vision loss.

While macular degeneration cannot be cured, there are treatments available that can help slow the progression of the disease and preserve vision. However, treatment is currently only available for people with wet ARMD.

The most common treatment for wet macular degeneration in Palm Beach Gardens is anti-VEGF therapy, which involves injecting a medication into the eye that blocks the growth of new blood vessels. Another potential treatment option is photodynamic therapy, which uses a light-activated drug to destroy abnormal blood vessels.

If you have macular degeneration or are at increased risk of developing the condition, it is vital to see an eye doctor regularly so that the disease can be detected and treated early. With early detection and treatment, you can help preserve your vision to the fullest extent possible.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for macular degeneration, so it is important to work with an eye doctor to determine the best treatment plan for you. To learn more about your options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Peter Lowe of Retinal Eye Care today at

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