An automobile accident can happen at any time

by | Jan 6, 2016 | Lawyers

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An automobile accident can happen any time, any place; your car can be stationary and still involved in an accident if another driver hits you from the rear while you are patiently waiting for the lights to change. In this type of a situation, or any situation where you are involved in a vehicle accident and you are not to blame, the other driver was negligent in his or her duty. In situations such as this you may find it prudent to contact an auto accident attorney in Houston.

The accident itself is devastating but fortunately there is some good news; where there is evidence of negligence there is also the right to claim compensation for physical injuries, emotional trauma and property damage. The compensation that you will eventually receive from come from the insurance company of driver who was at fault, they will try to keep the claim they pay as small as possible.

When you have been involved in any type of accident your concern will be recovering from your injuries and holding your family together while you are not working. It is because of these immediate concerns that the insurance company will make an offer to settle. Often the injured party does not know that he or she has rights for compensation and this compensation may be far more than the offer. A seasoned auto accident attorney in Houston will be the first to tell you never consider any offer made by the insurance company; the offer will not be close to what you are entitled to.

There can be long term effects from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. If you sustained neck or back injuries these can lead to long term, recurring pain, perhaps this pain will be with you for life. To control this pain you will be faced with an on-going expense, the cost of medications and medical care must be borne by someone. These are the types of things that need to be considered, only an attorney that understands the law and how it applies to these types of situations can get you the settlement you deserve.

There is a statute of limitations that comes into play in personal injury claims, it is extremely important that you hire an auto accident attorney in Houston as soon after the incident as possible. The attorney will gather any and all supporting information and present a claim to the court; however, as the insurance company knows from experience that the claim is valid and rather than risk a long drawn out court battle and a mandated settlement higher than the negotiated compensation, they elect to settle the matter out of court.

If you have been involved in a vehicle accident and the fault was not yours you should consider contacting an auto accident attorney in Houston. You are invited to contact The Stephens Law Firm.

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