A CNC Plasma Table: Applications And Performance

by | Mar 16, 2017 | Machining Manufacturer

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Versatility is a positive quality in industrial applications. While some equipment will always be for a singular use, technology increases the capability of a machine to execute more than one task or handle more than a single workpiece. Although plasma cutting systems began with a limited capacity and questionable capabilities, technological advancements have changed this. In today’s global marketplace, many industries turn to the CNC plasma table to provide them with what they need to complete their tasks.

What Are CNC Plasma Tables?

Modern CNC plasma tables are designed with the technology to supply the plasma cutting torch with the ability to produce clean, crisp cuts quickly. They have the capability to cut through different thicknesses of materials. They also produce a variety of cuts, including multi-axis ones, and procedures including:

  • Drag Tip Cutting
  • Drag Shield Cutting
  • Dimpling
  • Gouging
  • Marking
  • Scoring
  • Standoff Cutting

CNC plasma systems can be portable. They are highly versatile producing functional workpieces and aesthetically pleasing artwork. Different industrial concerns have found them to be advantageous.

Manufacturing Companies Employing CNC Plasma Cutting Systems

Many companies worldwide are using CNC plasma cutting systems. While some eschew the use of an integrated system, others employ the CNC plasma table with great efficiency. Among those companies who are using CNC plasma systems of one type or another are:

  • Artists
  • *Construction companies – Commercial and residential
  • HVAC industry
  • Metal components manufacturer
  • Machinery and sub-assembly manufacturers
  • Ship building companies
  • Specialty equipment and machinery for industrial usage
  • Steel and Welding shops
  • Tank and Combustion equipment manufacturers
  • Vehicle Producers

These companies rely on the accuracy, durability, and speed of this equipment to produce their products and components efficiently and cost-effectively.

Manufacturers and the CNC Plasma Cutting Table

CNC plasma cutters come in all sizes and shapes. A CNC plasma cutting table is capable of producing workpieces quickly with preciseness. The cost-effectiveness and efficiency of these equipment systems make them attractive worldwide to a variety of industries.

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