What You Should Know About Lincolnwood, IL Dental Crowns

by | Mar 5, 2014 | dentistry

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Placing a dental crown requires two visits to the dentist. The first is meant to examine and prepare the tooth, and the second to place the final crown. Usually, Lincolnwood, IL Dental Crowns are placed because a person wants (or needs) to change the appearance of a tooth. This article will go through the visits necessary to receive a crown.

First visit: Examination and preparation of the tooth

During the first visit, the dentist will probably take x-rays. This will help them check the root of the tooth, the crown and the underlying bone that will receive the new crown. If the tooth is too dilapidated, or if there may be a risk of infecting the wound or the pulp of a tooth, channel processing should be carried out beforehand. Before starting the procedure, the dentist will anesthetize your tooth and gum around the tooth. Then the tooth is cut above (on the area that was used to chew) and on the sides, making room for your crown.

The amount of removed crown depends on the particular type that will be used (crowns are made of thin metal). If a large portion of the tooth has been removed because it was damaged, your dentist will add material to “rebuild” a portion of the tooth. Once the tooth shape has been reworked, your dentist will make impression of your tooth that will receive the crown. An impression of the teeth above or below the tooth is also made to be sure that the crown.

The molds are then sent to the dental laboratory, which is where crowns are made. The dentist gets the crown in 2 to 3 weeks. If the crown is porcelain, the dentist will determine the exact color of your teeth so that the coloring of the crown fits perfectly to the adjacent teeth. At the end of this first visit, thr dentist will place a temporary crown cover that protects the tooth until the permanent crown is put in place (the second visit).

Second visit: Implementation of the final crown

The dentist will remove the temporary crown, checking that the crown is well-positioned and the color is correct. If everything is good, the tooth will be desensitized using a local anesthetic and the final crown is placed. Hygiene will then become a very serious part of maintenance from that point on. For more information, contact Dr. Saul Legator DDS today.

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