Deciding to undergo gender-affirming surgeries can be difficult, but the results are rewarding. Before you schedule a transman bottom surgery, you’ll need to have many discussions with your healthcare team and surgeon. Here are some tips for your initial consultation and tests.
Exam and Consult
The first step involves an in-person consultation with your surgeon. You’ll undergo an exam where your physical anatomy will be evaluated. Your surgeon will ask questions about your overall health status, past operations, medications, lifestyle habits, and family history. You’ll also be asked about conditions that could put you at risk for the procedure.
Photos, Tests, and Measurements
For a transman top surgery, your breasts will be measured and assessed. Your doctor may take photographs for medical records. Pre-surgical testing may require several blood tests to ensure your kidneys and liver function properly. It can also indicate you don’t have a blood disorder or anemia.
Treatment Recommendations
After a thorough examination, your surgeon will recommend transman bottom surgery. The expected outcome will be discussed, along with possible risks and complications. They will explain the process of post-surgery recovery. You may also be asked to lose weight, stop smoking, or stop taking some medications before the procedure. Following these suggestions will guarantee the best possible outcome.
Are you considering transman bottom surgery? Visit the International Center for Transgender Care.