The Link Between Increasing DUI Arrests and DUI Marijuana Charges

by | Feb 13, 2020 | Accident Lawyer

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As of January of 2020, new cannabis laws in the state of Illinois come into effect, impacting the legal system in all areas, and a top DUI lawyer familiar with these laws is critical to your case. To prepare for the potential increase in drivers under the influence of marijuana, police forces are increasing their training, and their understanding of DUI arrests and DUI marijuana drugged driving charges.

The Legal Limits

It is now legal for adults over the age of 21 that are residents of Hoffman Estates as well as across Illinois to possess specific amounts of cannabis and cannabis products. This includes up to 5 grams of concentrate, 30 grams of actual cannabis flower, and up to 500 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in other types of cannabis containing products. This includes food items or edibles, as well as topical applications and other forms of the drug.

Information from a DUI Lawyer

Both DUI arrests and DUI marijuana arrests can be based on several factors, including actual tests for the presence of alcohol or cannabis. While alcohol testing is typically done using a breathalyzer, cannabis testing is typically based on a blood test. Those testing with a lower limit of 5 nanograms of TCH or more per milliliter of blood will be considered to be impaired.

There is also the potential for saliva testing to be implemented in the state. In addition to the use of specialized Drug Recognition Experts and the use of the ARIDE or Advanced Roadside Impairment Driving Enforcement protocols, law enforcement, and attorneys are anticipating a spike in DUI arrests and DUI marijuana arrests in the upcoming months.

This is still a relatively new process for law enforcement, and those arrested for impaired driving under the influence of marijuana should contact an experienced DUI lawyer, the Driver Defense Team as soon as possible. This is important even if there was no accident or any type of injury or damage caused by the driver, as even a first offense can result in the loss of the ability to drive for up to half a year, and additional charges add to the possible penalties.

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