In the USA today, it’s estimated that more than 13 percent of motorists routinely drive without insurance, despite most states requiring it by law. This means that 1 in 7 drivers are on the road illegally, without proper coverage in the event of accident or injury.
It’s thought that the struggling economy has led to people choosing to drive without Auto Insurance in South Austin TX, as minimum wages fail to rise in keeping with inflation, and many Americans struggle to pay rent and living costs.
What are the Risks?
Besides the obvious risks of being in an accident and having no medical or legal cover, potentially having to pay out thousands of dollars, there is a very real chance that you will be arrested and fined or sent to jail if you are caught driving without insurance. It’s estimated that insured drivers currently pay around $11billion towards the cost of uninsured motorists, as most policies include uninsured driver coverage. With motor insurance compulsory in every state of the US apart from New Hampshire, it would seem that the law is of little concern to those who decide to forego insurance costs and drive without insurance in place! The law varies across the country, but in some states, getting caught driving uninsured three times is an automatic jail sentence! In other states your car is impounded and your license taken away.
Evidence Lowers Uninsured Rates
Massachusetts has the lowest incidence of uninsured drivers in the country, at just 4 percent. This is largely due to the fact that in order to register a vehicle in Massachusetts, you need to show proof of insurance – similar to the methods adopted in Europe. Other states such as Mississippi keep no records of whether a driver has insurance or not – no proof ever has to be shown and there are concerns over the misuse of private information, which has led to this situation remaining the same for the past few years.
Rising Costs
With the average cost of insurance around $950 a year in Connecticut and as high as $1,126 in DC, it seems logical that people will try to avoid car insurance whenever they can. However, by not insuring themselves and their vehicles properly, they are not only putting themselves at risk, but also insured drivers, as well as costing these other drivers extra money on their policies.
The risks of driving without Auto Insurance in Austin TX can be serious, with a first conviction fine as high as $350. Subsequent fines could rise as high as $1,000 – as the saying goes, ‘Don’t mess with Texas!’
State Farm is the nation’s leading insurance provider, founded in 1922 in Illinois. With its reputation as an honest, fair company, State Farm offer auto, home, business and health Insurance as well as mutual funds and banking services. For Auto Insurance South Austin TX they are a reliable and affordable choice.