A herniated disc often results in too much pain. If not treated, it can result in chronic pain, restricted or excess bowel and bladder function, and paralysis below the neck. Fortunately, chiropractic care is a proven remedy for treating a herniated disc. The following are the advantages of chiropractic treatment for a herniated disc in San Diego, CA.
1. Non-Invasive Treatment
One advantage of chiropractic treatment for herniated discs in San Diego is that it is a non-invasive technique, making it suitable for patients who do not want surgery. A chiropractor will gently align the herniated disc back to its position without putting you through too much discomfort and pain.
2. Treat Other Herniated Disc Symptoms
Besides correcting the herniated disc, chiropractic treatment for herniated discs in San Diego, CA also treats other herniated disc symptoms. These include leg pain, muscle numbness, overactive reflexes, and more. In short, chiropractic care helps relieve patients of almost all herniated disc symptoms.
3. Prevent Relapses
A treated herniated disc can relapse due to poor posture, repeated accidents, and lifting heavy weights. Chiropractic professionals will conduct assessments to identify the root cause of your issue. After treating it, they will give you patient education about preventing relapses. They will also recommend the right postures and exercises for reducing the chances of relapsing.
4. Bottom Line
Overall, chiropractic care is a perfect remedy for a herniated disc. Besides being non-invasive, it treats almost all herniated disc symptoms and prevents relapses.