What to do if your windscreen has suffered from a serious accident

by | Apr 3, 2014 | Repair Services

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Because of the fact that windscreens are so flexible, they can often be severely damaged in the event of an accident. While other areas of your vehicle may pick up small bumps and dents, your windscreen can suffer from serious damage that stops it from performing it is crucial function. However, there are often smaller incidents and events that can exclusively affect your windscreen in Cambridge, either causing severe damage or only minor damage such as a small chip or crack forming. In the event that the damage to your windscreen in Cambridge is larger than a minor chip, it is highly recommended that you do not attempt to drive your vehicle due to the serious safety concerns of driving with a faulty windscreen. A faulty windscreen is liable to give way at any moment, and this is something especially exacerbated by the high speeds that your vehicle travelling at. Thankfully, there are many professional windscreen companies that offer mobile repair services that can travel immediately to your location to perform all of the necessary repair work, allowing you to safely and reliably drive your vehicle once the work is complete. If your windscreen has suffered from considerable damage, below are some important steps that you need to follow.

Do not drive your vehicle at any cost

Although you may be only a short distance away from your home, it is still important that you do not attempt to drive your vehicle if your windscreen has been seriously damaged. As soon as you have suffered from a windscreen problem, you should pull over to the side of the road at the first opportunity and switch off your engine.

Get in touch with a professional repair company

Because your vehicle will not be in a fit state to drive, you will need to get in contact with a company to perform repair work. If other areas of your vehicle have also suffered from damage, you may want to get in touch with a vehicle repair service. However, if it is only your windscreen that has suffered from damage then you can contact a professional windscreen repair company and they may be able to send a mobile repair unit to your location.

You need to ensure your windscreen is fit for purpose – Silver Shield Windscreens is a reliable company that can repair your windscreen in Cambridge. Visit website for more information.


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