Reminders from Animal Clinic Near Rancho Bernardo

by | Feb 15, 2018 | Veterinarian

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Celebrations and holidays are a time for family fun, but for pets some of the festivities that come along with a party can be dangerous. Keep several tips in mind throughout the year as various parties and gatherings take place. Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego offers a wide range of effective treatments. Their emergency vets caution pet owners to be on the lookout for potential threats. The Animal Clinic Near Rancho Bernardo offers these reminders.


A very small amount of alcohol can be too much for many pets to handle. Something as simple as a small piece of rum cake could result in alcohol poisoning depending on the size and type of animal involved. Keep foods and beverages containing alcohol away from pets.


It seems like every birthday party or event has some type of chocolate. As a result, there is an increased risk that a pet in the home could consume some chocolate. This could pose a very serious health hazard for the pet.


Many times, during holidays or vacation time there are likely to be overnight guests in the home. They might bring prescription medicine along and leave in an overnight bag or something that a pet can get to. Medicine should be kept in a closed drawer so that pets can’t get into. They can become very ill from a relatively small amount or dose.

Grapes and Raisins

While fruit trays are wonderful for humans, small items can roll off into the floor or be dropped. Something as simple as a grape or raisin can be toxic to a pet when consumed. Remind children that they shouldn’t give these to pets as snacks too.

Streamers & Tinsel

While all the shiny stuff can make for an attractive home, it’s highly dangerous to pets. The sparkly appearance will attract cats which makes them tempted to consume it. Some of these items can cause digestive problems and cause blockages that might require a visit to an emergency vet.

For those in need of an Animal Clinic Near Rancho Bernardo visit They have been serving the area since 1985. They offer compassionate urgent care for pets when the minutes count.

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