Today implantation is a very common procedure worldwide. Most clinics offer their patients a beautiful and healthy smile using this technology. But, if everything is so simple, why are there consequences of getting dental implants? The answer is simple – it is because every surgical procedure has its risk. But, the good news is that dental implants in Wheaton have the highest success rate of any dental procedure known.
Complications during surgery
During the implantation, there may be some unforeseen circumstances. During the operation, drill wells used special drills are used. Like any tool, they can break. This occurs when too much boron is used or there is too much metal fatigue. Also, be aware that drills and drill bits should be taken off after 30 cycles of sterilization.
Also, during operation, penetration of the nasal cavity or sinus may occur. This situation occurs when dentists push too hard on the wrong tool. Making the wrong determination on the height of the maxillary sinus can cause this, as well. To stop this, dentists can use a shorter implant and fill the bottom of the hole with bone chips.
When the implant is placed in the lower jaw, it can cause damage and injury of the channel wall nerve. When this occurs, there may be decreased sensitivity on one side. Typically, sensitivity is restored in 5-7 days. If there is a persistent decrease in sensitivity, the implant should be removed and the dentist should hold the appropriate treatment.
Complications of early postoperative period
The first 24 hours are considered as the early postoperative period. At this time, possible complications such as gapping, bruising, inflammation, and severe pain may occur. Such complications are extremely rare, and the reason for their appearance are either complications during implantation, or to comply with the dentist’s recommendations. When you have dental implants placed, it is important to stay in touch with your dentist.
Late postoperative complications
After a couple of days may peri-implantitis may set in. This disease is characterized by the occurrence of inflammation in the surrounding tissues. It may occur due to improper preparation of the bed or non-oral hygiene areas. In this case, it is necessary to decontaminate wounds and prescribe medication. If peri-implantitis occurs again, dentists recommend removal of the implant. For more information on dental implants in Wheaton, contact Dupage Dental Smiles.