Lower Liability, Increase Productivity: Drug testing Coos Bay OR

by | Nov 12, 2013 | Employment

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Drug testing is being done by more and more companies. Often, as a condition of employment, an applicant is required to undergo a drug screen. The purpose of this is reasonably clear. Business owners wish to avoid the growing and negative impact of drug use in the workplace. Tardiness, turnover, and theft are just a few of the problems identified with drug abuse. There is also the issue of liability for accidents, either those caused by an employee under the influence while on company time, or the injury they may cause themselves.

Of course, no business should start drug screening and testing without having a clear policy written and agreed to by its employees. As a protection against legal challenge, this is a must.

How is Drug testing Coos Bay OR done?

When dealing with an accredited screening laboratory, there are several types of drug tests that can be used based on your business needs and policies. The first, and most common, is in-house drug testing where the results are given to the employer as soon as the test is done. In other scenarios, an employer may prefer to have a mobile unit come to their facility and test a large group of people at one time. This can be especially the case after a serious incident, such as an accident, where time and documentation of the events on the ground are critical.

Most drug testing is done by sending an applicant to a collection site, where a urine sample is obtained and sent to a certified laboratory for analysis. Negative results are normally available within 24 hours. There are instant test kits on the market. However, a word of warning. These tests will require laboratory confirmation if a result is positive. Since these tests are not much faster than an accredited laboratory’s analysis there is not a great deal of advantage to them.

If you have a need for a drug screening service and accredited laboratory to work with your company, contact Atlas Edge Staffing Services,Drug testing Coos Bay OR (http://www.theatlasedge.com). They have a trained staff and a full complement of clinical equipment ready to meet your screening needs.

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