What Do You Do For Your Heating In New Jersey?

by | Jan 23, 2019 | Heating and Air conditioning

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Fortunately, New Jersey does not usually experience the type of severe cold weather where temperatures can even drop to below zero Fahrenheit; but, come December and right through to March, the thermometer does regularly drop below zero Celsius (average recorded temperatures being between 21° F and 31° F; which is pretty chilly even if only just below freezing). During those winter months, it is not possible to simply wrap up; curl up; and hibernate – even if our bodies were actually adapted to do so!

We Need To Keep Warm And Maintain Our Normal Lifestyle

Ignoring winter traffic problems that can plague the roads and streets for both private and public transport; we must have Heating In New Jersey in order to keep us going and we must have it in our homes, our vehicles, our workplaces plus just about every indoor place that we might visit (shops, restaurants, bars, etc) and, please, do not forget to warm up the kids in their schools. All of that is a lot of heating; using a lot of equipment and a lot of resources – costing a lot of money.

The Good Old Days

In the not so distant past, the Heating In New Jersey came from open fireplaces or things like pot-belly stoves burning away in any room that was to be heated – tiresome, dirty and not very efficient! Fortunately for us, an army of HVAC engineers (Heating, Ventilation [and] Air Conditioning engineers) have been slaving away inventing, designing, installing and maintaining many improved methods for keeping us snug and warm on the coldest of winter days.

The old way involved burning a fuel to generate heat which would then radiate away from the fire and we had to be within the path and range of the radiation to get maximum warmth. The heat generated did also cause some air movement (convection) to transport a little warmth around the building; but, no way was this really air conditioning in the HVAC sense.

Convenience Factor

With the old way, one had to take fuel to each, individual, source of Heating In New Jersey; often this involved hauling coal or chopping logs and, then, you had to remove the ashes. The modern HVAC way centralizes the heat source and then distributes the heat around as many rooms and spaces in the building as you care to choose – much more convenient as well as an evenly warm environment to live or work in.

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