3 Important Facts That You Need to Know When Getting Adult Braces

by | Sep 10, 2019 | Dentist

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Braces were not possible when you were younger. Now that you’re on your own and have dental coverage, looking into straightening your teeth makes sense. How much do you know about adult braces? Here are some basics that will help you get started.

You Do Have Options

When you think of braces, the first thing that comes to mind is the metal type that your friends wore in grade school. The fact is that you have several options to consider. Many of them are much harder to detect and allow you to feel less self-conscious. Your dentist can go over each option and point out the merits of all the braces that are right for you.

Some of Them Can Be Removed

It may surprise you, but there are options for braces in West Loop that can be removed for short periods of time. That makes it possible to remove them when you need to brush your teeth or floss. That also provides an opportunity to wash the braces before you put them back in place.

This means you can take them out after eating, brush your teeth and then perform a quick rinse before placing them back in. This ensures that your mouth feels fresher and that you are more comfortable conducting that afternoon meeting at work.

You’ll Need to Wear Them for Up to Three Years

If you get adult braces in West Loop, then you can expect to wear them anywhere between 18 months and three years. A lot depends on the type of braces you choose and the amount of straightening that your teeth require.

Would adult braces work for you? Come see our team at Pure Dental Spa and let’s find out. We’ll explore the options and help you understand what we can do to improve your smile and make it better than ever.

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