3 Easy Steps To Getting Cash From A Gems Pawn Shop

by | May 13, 2016 | Jewelry

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After cleaning out a jewelry box that hasn’t received a lot of attention lately, something amazing shows up: a piece of jewelry that could have some value. While there are lots of different ways to exchange the piece for money, not all of them are simple. Trying to sell it to an individual can be time consuming and challenging. People invest a lot of time and rarely get the money they had hoped for. Instead, an easy way to get cash for jewelry is to head into a Gems Pawn Shop. Even those new to the process will appreciate how easy it is to walk in with jewelry, gold, or even watches and walk out with cash.

Clean Up the Item

Anything that is going to be exchanged for cash needs to look its best when presented to the buyer. Don’t spend a lot of time making sure that everything sparkles perfectly, but take a moment to give the item a good wipe down. Don’t worry about having areas that are in disarray repaired. It may not be a cost-effective choice. Gather up everything that is going to the Gems Pawn Shop so that the entire lot can be taken down at one time. This saves everyone time.

Determine It’s Value

It isn’t necessary to look up the cost of a piece of jewelry online before heading into a pawn shop. There are lots of different ways to determine something’s value. The goal is to find out how much it is worth to the person selling. Is this an item that might have sentimental value? Is this a piece that might be worn occasionally? What is the ideal amount of money a person would like to receive? This is a personal decision, and everyone is different. However, walking in with some idea of how much an item means to the seller makes it easier to determine whether or not to take the offer.

Bring It Into the Pawn Shop

This is the easiest step. Bring everything down to the shop and allow a person to take a closer look at each piece. Remember, the amount given usually isn’t the amount that was originally paid for the item. Have realistic expectations when receiving an offer. Then, make a decision on whether or not this is a good choice.

Ready to earn some cash? Stop by Palisade Jewelers today. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.

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