Ugly and Dingy Teeth? A Cosmetic Dentist in Canton, MI can Help

by | Aug 28, 2013 | Dentist

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Cosmetic dentists have many different ways to improve the appearance of a person’s teeth. Teeth whitening procedures are the most commonly requested treatments from Cosmetic dentist Canton MI professionals. Many people mistakenly think that all stains and discolorations on their teeth occur because of the foods they eat and drink. While this is often the case, medications and illness can cause teeth to discolor from the inside. They can also weaken tooth enamel and make it more susceptible to staining. That’s why not all teeth respond to at-home teeth whitening kits. These also contain harsh abrasives that can strip away even more tooth enamel.

Dentists can combine chemical beaching agents with lasers to produce as much whitening as possible in a short time. They can evaluate the patient’s teeth and determine how many chemicals they can tolerate without irritation. The process they use can actually bond with a person’s teeth and make them stronger. That makes the teeth less sensitive to cold and hot foods as well. In just a single 90-minute visit, teeth can become eight shades brighter.

Patients that have stained and dingy teeth combined other problems may want to discuss porcelain veneers with their Cosmetic dentist Canton MI provider. These are thin shells that are cemented on to the front of the teeth. They can cover chipped teeth, oddly-shaped teeth, and fill in unsightly gaps between teeth. The porcelain is resistant to food stains and remains quite white with the proper cleaning and flossing. The process usually takes three visits.

Because it is necessary to take some of the enamel off of the teeth before veneers are attached, the patient must have healthy teeth. The dentist will evaluate the teeth at the first visit and explain the procedure to the patient. At the second visit the Cosmetic dentist Canton MI professional gently buffs down the tooth to make room for the thin veneer that will be placed over them. She then takes an impression of the patient’s upper and lower jaw. The impression is sent to the dental lab where the veneers are made. At the third visit the dentist uses a special adhesive to attach the veneers to the teeth.

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