Replacing a roof can be a large and expensive home project, but fortunately most problems can be taken care of with a less expensive Roofing Repair. The easiest way to know whether or not you need to have a replacement roof installed is to hire a professional roofing company to inspect it for you. If you are trying to decide for yourself, here are the most common problems homeowners experience with their roofs.
Persistent Leaky Roof
Leaks are the most common roofing repair in Freehold NJ and often the first sign people have that there is a problem with their roof. Most leaks can be repaired fairly easily if they are addressed early before any substantial water damage has occurred. Bad, missing or poorly installed flashing is a common cause of leaks. Shingles can also be the problem, with just one loose or bad shingle to blame. In these instances it can be difficult to diagnose because the water can travel beneath the shingles until it finds a weak spot to come through.
Puddles or Ponding
When water on the roof does not roll away the way like it should it will often leak. If the ponding is eliminated by removing the cause of it, there will often be no more leaking. Shoddily installed or poorly maintained gutters are a common cause of this problem but it can also be an incorrectly built addition.
Poor Quality Shingles
In some instances the shingles themselves were just not good quality. These will often loosen, roll and buckle which can lead to a large amount of problems. In these cases the shingles may all need to be replaced, but the bottom layers of the roofing will still be in good condition and not need any work. In some instances the new roofing materials are able to be installed directly over the previous materials, reducing the amount of labor needed.
The only way to really know the condition of your roof is to have a full inspection performed. These professionals will provide a complete description of the problem as well as an estimate to repair the damage. Roofing repair in Freehold NJ area is a common household task that can often be done quickly and easily in a single afternoon. Get an inspection performed today before the damage becomes any more extensive. Visit Roofing By Carl’s at their website to know more.