Why you should see your dentist in Waikiki

by | Apr 11, 2014 | Dentist

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Seeing a dentist on a regular basis is extremely important for your health. You should visit your dentist in Waikiki at least once every six months for an oral examination and health check. In between your dental visits, it is up to you to work at keeping your gums and your teeth clean and healthy with regular brushing and flossing. If you see your dentist and they notice any changes to the health of your gums or teeth, they may ask you to come and see them more regularly to keep a closer watch on your oral health. Your oral health is usually a clear indication of certain health problems that you may be experiencing.

During a regular dental visit your dentist will evaluate the health of your gums. Sometimes a probe is used to check the depth of any pockets in your gums where plaque can form and may cause gingivitis or other serious gum diseases. Your mouth will be examined for signs of diabetes, vitamin deficiencies or oral cancer. Your dentist may also examine your bite and the movement of your jaw. The dental hygienist will clean your teeth before your dentist inspects them. Cleaning of your teeth will include scaling the teeth with a special dental pick, flossing the teeth to remove food particles, polishing the teeth and then having you rinse with fluoride to seal and protect your teeth.

Your dentist in Waikiki will examine your tongue, your teeth, check the status of any fillings you have and take x-rays (once per year). The x-rays will be viewed to see if there are any changes to your bone and teeth. If your dentist notices any areas of your teeth that need attention, they will discuss their recommendations with you. They may also wish to review a variety of methods and products that you should be using to keep your teeth clean and healthy. At the end of your appointment, your dentist will schedule a further appointment for you to come back to see them. Once the appointment is completed, most patients are given a new toothbrush and some floss to take home with them.

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